★ Want a Happy New Year, below is Your 2016 Every-Day To-Do List.
★ Be Positive and Optimistic. The Choice is Yours
(a) Trust that Hard Work, Faith, and an Optimistic Attitude, all things are possible, or the obverse
(b) Listen to the Cynics & Doubters, and think that success is not possible for you, (not)
★ Invest all your Energy in your Purpose, People, and Positive attitude. Don’t waste your precious energy on issues of the past, negative thoughts, or things you cannot control.
★ Make your First meal of the Day the Best Meal, and your last meal in the evening the smallest. Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper, for better health and weight maintenance. Whether you eat 3, 4, or more meals per Day, the Early Day meal should robust and have the most number of Calories, and the Late Day meal should minimal and have the least number of Calories.
★ Talk to yourself EveryDay about Positive Thoughts. Reject complaints, fears, and doubts. Feed your mind with words of truth and positive encouragement, both ingredients needed to keep you moving forward.
★ Decide to make a difference in whatever you do, and build meaningful relationships, then success will find you.
★ Get adequate Sleep. You can’t replace adequate sleep with RedBull or Latte Grandes.
★ Look for opportunities to Love, Serve, and Care. You must Serve to be Great.
★ Have Purpose and Live your Purpose. Remember WHY you do what you do. One does not become “burned-out” because of what you do. One becomes “burned out” because You forgot why you’re doing it.
★ All things Worthwhile takes Time and Effort to build. Overnight success is the myth for fools.
★ Good things to come out of Working Challenging Experiences. Trust that “things happen for a reason.”
★ Implement a No Complain Zone around yourself. If you’re complaining or with complainers, you’re not doing, nor leading.
★ Post a sign that says “No Energy Vampires Allowed”. Think, “…I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet…”
★ Decide to live with Passion and Purpose, then Happiness will find You.
★ Smile and Laugh more, as they are natural anti-depressants.
★ We only have ONE shot at Today. So make the most of it and Enjoy it every Day.
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If digital Imaging is of interest, I teach a course named "Principles of Digital Imaging and Post Image Processing" as an Adjunct Prof at FAU: http://ift.tt/19pAQ5y
As a "Health Nut" for Health & Wellness; http://ift.tt/1iIfMrA
As many of my friends, family and students know, I am an avid iPad adopter since its release April, 2010. With Apple’s release of the Retina-Display iPad Air 2, (I sold iPad 4 to Gazelle.com) applied the proceeds to purchase the "mini" with 128GB of Storage, AT&T connectivity, plus added Logitech’s UltraThin Keyboard Cover, and a DECODED natural leather thin slip-over protective case.
Filed under: NEWS - Health, Wellness, Nutrition, NEWS of Public Interest, Wellness, Youthful Aging Tagged: Happy New Year, Positive Thinking
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