Wednesday, March 30, 2016

🍎😎 FBI engaged Cellebrite to Unlock Terrorist’s iPhone 😎 Your Password is KEY to Encryption 🍎😎

😎 Department of Justice (DOJ) an agency of the US GOV Vacated the Litigation against Apple. Case Closed. The DOJ filed its required “Government’s Status Report” to the California Court. In this filing the DOJ mentioned that “…the Government has successfully accessed the data stored in Fardook’s iPhone…” The filing Monday morning, dated March 28, 2016 further states that “…[the DOJ] therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc., as mandated by the Court’s Order compelling Apple Inc., to Assist Agents in Search…

😎 Apparently, the FBI engaged last week [3/21/2016] a private company, Cellebrite USA Corp (headquartered in Israel, with offices in the US, namely Parsippany, NJ, that provided the FBI with Cryptographic Services to safely unlock the Terrorist’s iPhone, one of the San Bernardino shooters. Early speculation [apparently false] as to the third party’s identity, focused on Cyber Maverick, John McAfee, and other US Government Agencies such as the CIA or the NSA. Recall, the NSA admitted in Congressional Hearings that the NSA was recording information from everyone’s Voice communications for everyone in the USA, 24/7.

😎 Neither the DOJ nor Cellebrite has confirmed their relationship. However, sources say (Yedioth Ahronoth an Israel based newspaper disclosed Cellebrite’s association with the FBI, Wednesday) the mysterious “outside party” is an Israeli based Cryptographic Forensics firm.

😎 Cellebrite USA Corp, is an Israeli based firm that has offices in 6 countries, including the United States, with its main headquarters located in Petah Tikva, an industrial, tech startup town east of Tel Aviv. Cellebrite specializes in Cryptographic Forensics, a/k/a “digital forensics,” which encompasses cracking, extracting, reconstructing, or otherwise accessing Data from a variety of “Locked” or “Damaged” digital devices, such as iPhones and iPads. On its website, Cellebrite lists “Advanced Investigation Services” as one of its specialties.

😎 Cellebrite USA Corp, claims that, “…Even with the most sophisticated mobile forensics tools and technology, additional expertise and skills are required to unlock Intelligence and Data [evidence] on devices [iPhones] that are Broken, Locked, Burnt, Water-damaged, or [iPhones] containing unknown application data formats and encryption technologies [for example, text messages using encryption Apps such as TELEGRAM and SIGNAL which separately encrypts text messages, incoming and outgoing].”

😎 Apple was likely surprised, that it’s iOS9 operating system was Hacked successfully in a relatively brief period of time. Apple Engineers are surely curious, [likely anxious] to obtain the details of precisely how Cellebrite’s cryptographers were able to unlock the iPhone 5C, while not (A) causing the iPhone to Self-Reformat or (B) corrupting the device’s Data. Once Apple discovers iOS9’s security vulnerability that Cellebrite discovered, Apple will promptly create an operating system “patch” in effect Locking that door. On the other hand, Apple is pleased and relieved that it no longer faces prolonged litigation with the FBI, an investigative agency of the DOJ, of the US Government.

😎 Apple Cooperated with FBI requested cryptographic forensic services for many years, and is Not Cooperating presently… What Happened, Why the Change? The Network Media’s “talking heads” have not been doing their homework. Several years ago Tim Cook, CEO and Apple’s Board of Directors decided, Apple was going to change its Operating System to “Close the Back Door” that was previously available to the FBI for forensic purposes. Apple stated that it is taking a hard-line on Government surveillance vs Privacy and Civil Liberty.

😎 Apple, with the best cryptographic staff in the World, also know there are a number of Global Security firms that are capable of Hacking many electronic device, including its iPhone, given enough time, talent, desire and dollars. As is known in the Cyber Community, if cryptographers created the Data Security Lock, other cryptographers will eventually, be able to “pick the Lock” and Open the Door. Discovering vulnerabilities and fixing each, is a constant battle for Apple… once a vulnerability is discovered, a repair Patch is created and installed. Cellebrite Information: (

😎 With the release of iOS 8, Apple said its iPhones now encrypts content stored on them such as e-mails, text messages, and placed calls, so that it is not possible to respond to government warrants to unlock iDevices. “Unlike our competitors, Apple is not able to bypass your passcode and therefore cannot access this data” Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO said in his Letter published on the Apple Inc website published June, 2012. This link will take you directly to Apple’s public position on privacy: (

😎 Privacy – This link will take you directly to the USA TODAY article regarding Apple’s position on Privacy as of Sept 18, 2014 that addresses this topic:

😎 Apple’s focus on Privacy for its Customers, is well publicized. Commencing with Apple’s release of iOS8, the “forensics-back-door” that the FBI was accustomed to, was beginning to be Closed. Apple’s release of iOS9 further “sealed the back-door” and was fortified against Hacking. With iOS10 Apple says no one, including Apple engineers, will be able to Hack iPhones, iPads, and MACs.

😎 Apple’s Data Security objectives and Goal is absolute, iDevices will be 100% Hack-Proof is driving its software engineers. Apple’s lofty goal may take several iterations to achieve, and may require continuous enhancement to keep one-step-ahead of the Cyber Criminals. However, even if Apple’s Goal is reached, if Users do not Create and Use “effective passwords” one’s Privacy will be compromised, no matter the Security Support that Apple provides.

😎 As to iPhone back-door access, many former NSA and FBI guests of the Network News, say that the GOV must have iPhone back-roof access as having a digital “Master KEY” is vital to US National Security; And to think otherwise is unAmerican. So US citizens are challenged with, the notion that everyone will have to give up their Liberty and Individual Privacy, in exchange for the Safety of All. Most say Baloney!

😎 Privacy Question: Would it be OK with everyone, the 330 million US Citizens, to give Law Enforcement a MASTER KEY, within every Community, every City, in every State… the MASTER KEY to OPEN everyone’s Personal Residents, Private Offices, all Retail Stores, for all our Bank Records, our private Medical Records, our personal eMails & Messages… We say Absolutely NO, as “Privacy” is guaranteed in the US Constitution. Giving Law Enforcement the MASTER KEY to our Private iPhones, is similar to giving the local Police the MASTER KEY to our Homes.

😎 Operating Systems may not be “absolutely hack-proof” according to experts in the Data Security Industry. However, Apple is doing its very best to Secure your Data, where your PASSWORD is the KEY to the Security and Safety of your Data. Apple is promising that No Master-KEY exists at Apple, not by any Apple Engineer, nor anyone else. It’s been reported that Apple will permanently “Seal with Steel the iPhone’s Back-Door” with its release of iOS10. Apple is refusing to be in business of invading the privacy of its iPhone and iCloud Clients. Apple has promised that everyone’s iPhone User Data is as Safe and Secure as possible, assuming your iPhone is LOCKED with an Effective Password, when not in use.

😎 Apple is presuming that iPhone Users will Create and Use “Effective” Passwords, to unLock your iPhone. That’s the Responsibility of each iPhone User. If you want your Data to be Safe, use an effective Password and Lock your iPhone when it’s not in use.

😎 Apple has Created a Very Strong Security Vault in the iPhone to house your Personal Information. If you choose to not lock your iPhone or you chose to use an absurdly simple password, then your Privacy is at Risk, it’s your choice. You decide! Don’t blame Apple if you don’t lock your front door, day and night, whenever you are not using your iPhone. We keep our residences Locked for a reason. Don’t have all your personal information at risk, if you loose your iPhone, or its misplaced, or your iPhone is Stolen. Your LIVE is in your iPhone… Protect it, Lock it, and Use an Effective Password.

😎 In our Article below, “—Previously Reported—” we discuss Passwords in depth… It’s worthy of your time.

😎 Apple is presently testing the Alpha Phases of its iOS10 operating system. When iOS10 passes through many tests with thousands of Apple engineers, and thousands more public beta-testers, iOS10 will accompany the release of Apple’s iPhone 7. If history repeats itself, and the iPhone 7 is released September, 2016, then the Beta versions of iOS10 will be release to Apple [external] Developer Community. The beta version of iOS10 is generally released at Apple’s WWDC generally held in June annually.

😎 The Apple Developer Community of thousands of external companies, who write Apps for the iPhone, check every possible operating system nuance and flaws. These Developer separately reports back to Apple Software Engineers, through a well organized back channel, any operating issues or “wish lists” periodically during the following 90 days. Apple then updates its “beta1 iOS10, incorporating issues discovered and resolved, creating beta2 iOS10… There may be 5, 6, or 7 beta sub-releases, before the “beta Door is Closed” by Apple, as the cut-off for the final Gold Medallion version of iOS10.

😎 The GOLD Medallion version of iOS10 is the Operating System that is pre-Loaded into the new iPhone 7, and subsequently iOS10 will released in Late September to all 750 Million iPhone users for Updating all iPhones users. The Apple plan is to have the iPhone 7 and iOS10 come together by the end of August. Apple generally commences Mass Production roughly 75 days before the targeted release date, the 4th week of September.

😎 Apple Builds Tens of Millions of their New iPhone 7 in order to have a large supply for their Celebrated Big Release 3-Day weekend and thereafter. Last year Apple Sold 15 Million iPhone 6S in the three day weekend.

😎 Passwords are KEY to Apple’s Encryption Algorithm  Crafting an Effective Password is Your Responsibility 😎

😎 Apple is committed to protecting all of their 750 Million Customers’ iPhone Private Data. There are over a Billion iPhones and iPads in Circulation. The Passwords users create, is an important KEY component to Apple’s iPhone Encryption.

😎 A “Locked iPhone” supported with Strong KEY (an effective Password) results in the Safety of YOUR Private Data: namely your Calendars, Contacts, Photo Libraries, eMails, Text Messages, Medical information, Bank Account Access, Credit Card Access, Federal Tax Records, Location of your Family & Friends.

Many folks have said – My Entire Life is on my iPhone.” Well, do yourself a huge favor. Protect your iPhone by using an effective Password. Many folks we know, simply can not be bothered with using a Password. Big Mistake! Although we strongly encourage Everyone should create and use an effective password, The use of Any Password is better than No Password.

😎 BREAKING NEWS Reports indicate Apple is working “over-time” in transforming its next major Operating System update, to be “Hack-Proof” (likely an ingredient in version iOS10). This means all iPhones that are updated with iOS10, will render the iPhones “Hack Proof” by Thieves, Bad-Guys, and Apple iOS Software Engineers.

😎 FBI contracted Cellebrite USA CORP to break into San Bernardino iPhone (for $15,278.02 fee), the iPhone 5C used by Terrorist, Syed Farook. Cellebrite with offices in the USA, an Israeli based forensics solution company, specializes in mobile device forensics, including Data decryption in “Locked” iPhones.

An effective password is a KEY component to Apple’s encryption of Your Data. Crafting an effective password is Your Responsibility. Caution, NEVER use the words “Password” “iLoveYou” “123456” “Princess” “Nicole” “Daniel” “Jessica” “abc123” “LoveYou” as your password. Below is a list of the other Top 200 Most Commonly Used Passwords, which you Must NOT Use. These commonly used passwords are the first series of passwords that Hackers run in their Automated Systems, to Break into your iPhone.

😎 Apple and many other technology enterprises support Apple’s Clients’ Data Privacy from Government Intrusion, like , like Twitter, Airbnb, LinkedIn, eBay, AT&T, Intel, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Cisco, Microsoft, Mozilla, Snapchat, Box, Slack and Yahoo, filed briefs in support of Apple, urging the court to exercise caution in applying a legal decision from an era when cell phones and the Internet were unheard of. This group seeks to protect their client’s Information, Files and Data using increasingly sophisticated “encryption” algorithms.

😎In Cryptography, Data Encryption is the process of Encoding Data, for example, Messages, eMails, files, communications, calendars, photos, etc… (let’s refer to all of this as Data). Data Encryption commences the moment you
(A) Turn-Off your iPhone by holding the “Sleep” button for 5 seconds followed by “Sliding to the Right, the power-off slider, displayed on the LCD screen, or
(B) Automatically, when your iPhone is dormant for a few minutes, the time period you specified in iPhone’s “Settings” menu.

😎Your Locked iPhone, coupled with an effective password, assures that “only the authorized person” possessing the KEY, your password, may unlock the iPhone. Your Password immediately activates Apple iOS9’s Decryption Algorithm, restoring of all of the iPhone’s Data into a usable form. Once your Data is decrypted, the iPhone enables you to read all of the Data and Use of the iPhone.

😎Think about This. Let’s say your iPhone has 64 GB of storage capacity, that currently is filled with 50GB of your Data, files, messages, eMails, etc. The instant your iPhone is Turned-OFF, all 50GB of your stored Data is Auto-Encrypted… every phone number, every email, every text message and all your Photos, everything.

😎 Know this, it’s common knowledge in the Mobile Smartphone Industry and the Cryptography Industry, that Samsung’s offering and all other ANDROID smartphones, are the most Hackable handhelds in circulation. This vulnerability was reported in a 2012 Inter-agency joint-memorandum to all GOV employees.

😎 FBI and Homeland Security Agencies, cautioned all Federal, State and Local *.GOV employees that Android smartphones are over 100 Times More Susceptible to Virus Attacks and Hacks, as compared to Apple’s iPhones. Notice this report was for iOS7; However, with iOS8 and iOS9, security was greatly enhanced, and adopted by 94% of all iPhone users. An ongoing problem for Android devices is Fragmentation (11,000 different Android models). Only 30% of Android devices in circulation use its current OS. Conversely, 70% of Android devices do not update to current operating system versions, which contains important security patches. These users do not upgrade as their smartphone may “Freezing up” with the new more sophisticated operating system.

😎 Do yourself a Huge Favor use an effective password to secure your iPhone and Carefully Craft your Password. Apple is highly committed to protecting your private information. Apple has your back as to Data Security. An Effective Password is a KEY component to Apple’s Encryption algorithm. Crafting a Good Password is Your Responsibility. Therefore take advantage of Apple’s commitment to Data Security, in behalf of Your Privacy.

An Effective Password is a KEY to Apple’s Encryption scheme. Crafting an Effective Password is Your Responsibility. Also do not use the word “Password” as your password. The “password” examples below were chosen to demonstrate the ways one can make a relatively simple password, more effective. The 200 most commonly used passwords, which you must avoid using, is displayed below.

😎Examine the Password Graphic above. It shows in the first example, that if you choose an 8 Character all-lowercase-letters Password, an experienced Hacker may be able break into your iPhone in as little as 3.5 minutes, as the Hacker can continue “Guessing” continuously, with Computer Automation, to run through all the 208 Billion possible combinations, assuming you have NOT enabled iPhone’s “10 attempt iPhone Self-Erase” feature. (It is highly recommended that you Enable iPhone’s 10 Attempt Self-Erase mode, meaning that with the 10th failed attempt your iPhone automatically “Self-Erases”).

😎 If you changed an single Uppercase Letter of the 8 lowercase letters password, rendering an 8 character password containing one Capital P letter, it would take an experienced Hacker roughly 15 hours to break into your iPhone, with its 53 Trillion possible combinations. (password becomes Password)

😎 If you were to exchange the letter “a” in this 8 character all-letters password with a symbol, like the @ sign (or a # symbol or a $ sign) for example, then the Hack-time would Jump to about 70 Days to break into your iPhone, with its 2,724 Trillion possible combinations. (Password becomes P@ssword),

😎 Similarly, add to your 8 character password a single digit Number, an experienced Hack-time to crack your password would Jump to 18 Years to unlock your iPhone’s 9 character alpha-numeric-symbol Password. Sophisticated computer equipment reduces the Hack’s crack-time; however, these passwords are very difficult to “guess” even with sophisticated computer technologies. In Sum (password became P@ssword1), Another example P@$$Word7

😎 Important, use an 8 character password that you can remember, using 8 Upper and Lowercase letters, and include a special character like the @ sign or !, or # sign, or a $ sign, and perhaps add a single-digit Number. Most importantly, ENABLE the iPhone’s “Erase with the 10th Attempt” feature available in the Settings Menu/Passwords, built into Apple’s iOS9 operating system… Result, Hackers will be stifled with this example 8 or 9 character password.

😎 Examine the Combination Generator go to this web-site:

😎 Enable your iPhone’s feature to Self-Erase after 10 failed attempts, this is a “Must Do” (a feature Apple added to iOS9 operating system last year) your iPhone is virtually un-HACKABLE. Meaning how could any HACKER “guess” your complex Alpha-Numeric-Symbol password with only 10 failed attempts, your iPhone will be completely Self-Erased.

😎 The iPhone will immediately thereafter will auto Reset itself, resume the familiar display of the white Apple Logo as it reformats itself, and turns back on, with the Apple iOS9 clean operating system with only the 12 Apple App’s it provides… However, none of your data, files or settings remain, rendering the iPhone’s appearance exactly as it was on the day, when you first purchased the iPhone. Result, ALL of your Data, Files, Contacts, Messages, eMails, Photos and Calendars, etc., will have been permanently ERASED, and un-recoverable.

😎 Encryption does not prevent the interception of the Encrypted Data, however, Denies the Reading of the Data by any Interceptor. An encryption scheme, the intended Data, also referred to as plaintext, is encrypted using an encryption algorithm, generating Ciphertext that may only be read if the Data is Decrypted. For better security, an encryption scheme usually uses a pseudo-random Encryption-Key generated by a software algorithm. For Apple’s iPhones, the Operating System itself applies sophisticated Encryption and the user selects an Encryption-Key (your Password).

😎 In principle it may be possible to decrypt Data without possessing the Encryption-Key, however, for extremely sophisticated encryption schemes, powerful computer resources and skills are required to break the Code. Authorized recipients can easily decrypt Data with the Encryption-Key (entering the Password) provided by the Data Originator to authorized recipient access; However, the Data is not “readable” by unauthorized interceptors.

😎 In sum, the purpose of encryption is to ensure that only an Authorized Person has access one’s Data (text, messages, files, data, bank accounts, medical information, contact lists, calendars, the iPhone’s Microphone, and the iPhone’s Cameras), will be able to read the Data, using the assigned Decryption Key, commonly known as one’s Password. Someone who is not authorized can be excluded, because others do not have the required Password (the Encryption-Key).

😎 Suggestion, use an 8 to 10 alpha/numeric character password, to eliminate easy guessing of your Password, knowing that after the 10th guess by the “Bad Guy” your iPhone or iPad is totally Erased, if you enable this feature. According to a new analysis, 1 out of 5 Web users still decide to leave the digital equivalent of a Key Under the Doormat: they choose a simple, easily guessed password like “abc123,” “iLoveYou” or even “PassWord” to protect their data.

😎 Almost all encrypted Data is Decrypt-able (breakable Code) if one has enough DMTT. What is DMTT, it’s one’s Desire, Money, Time, and Talent. In principle without one’s Password it is relatively “impossible” to read iPhone with iOS8 or iOS9 operating system encrypted information, assuming you are Not using a simple 4-digit password. However, recall that the US Government’s 22 million Personnel files were “Hacked” (decrypted) by Asian operatives. The Director of the DOD, Department of Defense’s email accounts were also recently hacked.

😎 Many major Retail Stores’ Customers Credit Card information has been hacked in recent years. These facts motivated Apple and other in the industry to strengthen their Data Encryption for the safety of their device-users, account holders, and customers.

😎 Apple Encryption and the FBI UnLock Order – Apple Cooperated with Law enforcement for iPhone’s with iOS 7 and earlier versions several years ago. Presently, Apple Cannot open Locked iPhones loaded with iOS 8 and iOS 9. For iPhones that are using iOS7 operating system or earlier versions, for example iOS6, iOS5, etc., (representing currently 7% of all iPhones and iPads in circulation) Apple is capable of “unlocking” only iPhones using iOS7, iOS6, iOS5 operating systems, with court ordered documentation.

😎 Roughly 75 iPhones were “unlocked” by Apple when Law Enforcement properly ordered Apple to do it. In time, Apple became uncomfortable with its relatively weak Encryption. Apple also became troubled yielding to law enforcement’s demands and potentially compromising the other iPhone users’ Liberty globally.

😎 Apple Enhanced its Encryption Scheme with iOS8 Operating System, initiated the End of Apple or Anyone else Unlocking any iPhone or iPad. iOS 8 was the eighth major release of the iOS mobile operating system designed by Apple as the successor to iOS 7. Apple’s iOS 8 was announced and released on September 17, 2014. Apple highlighted this release as “The biggest change to iOS since the introduction of the App Store.”

😎 iOS 8 was built on the major redesign that iOS 7 introduced, while including many enhancements, interface improvements, Data Encryption with sophisticated Security improvements. iOS 8 was installed on 87% of compatible Apple devices as of September 14, 2015. Apple’s iOS 9 operating system was release September 16, 2015. Currently, as of January, 2016 iOS 8 and iOS 9 are installed on 94% of all iPhones and iPads, literally hundreds of millions of iDevices globally.

😎 Think about this: There are roughly 250 iPhones that are owned by Law-Breakers that Law Enforcement wants Apple to HACK, representing roughly 0.00003% of the total ownership, 750 Million iPhones & iPads in circulation. Apple’s Tim Cook considers, is APPLE really going to sacrifice the Security for the 99.99997% or 749,999,750 of our iOS iPhone and iPad owners, because of the 250 Law Breakers? Answer, a resounding No.

😎 Apple iPhone Adoption Rate: Presently, roughly 94% of all iPhone users (over 750,000,000 iPhones and iPads) have updated to either iOS 8 or iOS 9.

😎 Apple’s iOS 8 and iOS 9 delivers Enhanced iPhone and iPad Password enabled Data Encryption. With the Installation of iOS 8 or iOS 9 operating systems, Apple literally “Closed the Door” to Apple being able to unlock iPhones voluntarily or by court order. Apple deliberated with its Executive Teams and its Board of Directors to enhance its Data Encryption algorithms so that virtually no one, nor Apple engineers would be able to “unlock” any iPhone loaded with iOS 8 and iOS 9, without entering the user’s correct Password.

😎 Apple’s Enhanced Operating System (iOS 8 and later) contains a user selected option, to cause the system to Erase the entire Contents of iPhone, at the 10th Failed attempt enter the correct Password. Meaning the user (or Law Enforcement, or someone who finds your lost iPhone) can attempt or guess the password 10 times, but with that 10th incorrect password entry, the iPhone completely “Resets the iPhone” to its original factory condition, where all settings, data, and information are erased, and unrecoverable.

😎 You forgot your password for an iPhone with iOS 8 or iOS 9 operating systems, for example, then you visited Apple’s Genius Bar, you would have to identify yourself, then Apple would confirm that you are the rightful owner, then Apple’s technician would warn you that the only remedy is to Reset your iPhone, which would erase all the Data from your iPhone, returning your iPhone to the condition when you first acquire the iPhone. You could then retrieve your Encrypted Data and Settings from the iCloud assuming you recalled your iCloud Password. Otherwise you’re starting from scratch, with your clean iPhone.

😎 Apple vs. FBI and Law Enforcement Community. Knowing that Apple nor anyone is capable of Hacking an iPhone with iOS 8 or later installed, it cannot assist Law Enforcement, as it had with 70 other cases when iOS 7 or earlier was the operating system several years ago. Therefore with the FBI’s court order, in essence the FBI is forcing Apple to re-engineer it’s Operating System back to iOS 7 standards, making all iPhones vulnerable to Hacking lawfully or unlawfully.

😎 Apple and the Technology Industry. Almost everyone in the Cyber Community is siding with Apple in the current FBI matter, as most of these enterprises including Apple, are attempting to make their devices and their software, as Safe and as “Un-Hackable” as possible.

😎 The FBI is asking for, in effect, a Global Unlimited Pass-Key for everyone’s Home, Business, Bank Account… Health Records, Contact Lists, Calendars, Files, and to mention the iPhone’s Microphone and Cameras. With such an iPhone HACK, they would be able to turn on your iPhone’s or iPad’s Microphone and Cameras without your knowledge or consent.

😎 Apple Encryption and the FBI UnLock Order. Since 94% of all iPhones Globally are using iOS 8 and iOS9, its is not a matter of unlocking ONE iPhone, as such an Operating System Master-KEY would Un-Lock all 750,000,000 existing iPhones all over the globe. The scheduled California Court Hearing Date is March 22, 2016 at 1:00pm.

😎 FBI’s Court Order is Law Enforcement’s mechanism to Force Apple to create a unique Software Tool that Apple presently has not created and therefore does not have. Knowing that currently 6% of iPhones and iPads (according to Apple) as their owners have not yet updated their devices to iOS8 or iOS9, therefore approximately 50 Million iPhones remain capable of being HACKed, as they are operating under iOS7, the 2013 version of the Operating System.

😎 The Court Order in effect is demanding that Apple “re-write its Operating System to iOS 7 encryption standards, rendering all iPhones “Hackable.” News Sources state that according to the US Constitution, and current US Laws, the Government cannot Force any Person, Citizen, or private enterprise to work for it, in effect causing a private person or company to make a Product or a Tool for the FBI or any Government Agency to use in prosecuting their cases.

😎 Washington Opinions, Apple vs the FBI wants to roll back safeguards that keep us a step ahead of criminals Link Below:

😎 Apple is likely in a Race to Publish its new iOS 10 Operating System for all of its iPhones and iPads as soon as possible. The new iOS 10 may make its portable iPhone and iPad devices totally un-Hackable. Perhaps the interim system-software update, iOS 9.3 may contain Apple’s rigorous No-Hack Encryption, since Apple engineers are in its 6th Beta software testing of iOS9.3; Apple traditionally updates its iOS to the next whole digit simultaneously with its Release of a New iPhone (iPhone 5S with iOS7-Sept, 2013, iPhone 6 with iOS8-Sept, 2014, iPhone 6S with iOS9-Sept, 2015, planned iPhone 7 with iOS10-Sept, 2016), for the next iteration, iOS10 is planned for the release of iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and iPhone 7 Pro.

😎 iPhones loaded with iOS 8 or iOS 9 system software have the ability to Self-Erase all files and data if someone enters incorrect passwords, with the 10th Attempt; You get 9 attempts without danger of Deleting all of the contents of the iPhone. This feature is user-selectable. All contents of iPhones with iOS8 or 9, are rigorously Encrypted and un-Hackable. It’s been reported, with the release and installation of iOS10, no one including Apple Engineers will be able to HACK iPhones with the new Operating System iOS10.

Protect your iPhone and iPad with a Strong Password, LOOK at Graphic ABOVE

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Filed under: NEWS - Cyber Security: Spyware Malware Trojans, Worms Viruses, NEWS - Science & Technology, NEWS - Technology - Devices, NEWS of Public Interest Tagged: Cellibrite, FBI, Hack, iPhone Hacked

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