⌚️ Apple is spending lots of Man Hours, including Fashion Industry executives recently hired for the task of designing the launch of an iWatch later this year.
⌚️ What Apple did for the "smart phone" by reinventing the iPhone; What Apple did for the "tablet" by reinventing the iPad; Is What Apple is doing with the wrist-worn-watch by reinventing the iWatch.
⌚️ According to new reports from The New York Times and 9to5Mac iWatch investigation has revealed some of the details surrounding the product, including potential health and fitness features in iOS 8, as well as a meeting with the FDA.
⌚️ Apple executives including Jeff Williams, senior vice president of operations; Bud Tribble, vice president of software technology; Michael O’Reilly, and Tim Powderly met FDA officials in mid December 2013, the Times reports, according to a public FDA calendar entry.
⌚️ The FDA execs that attended the meeting include Jeff Shuren, the director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, and Bakul Patel “who drafted the FDA’s mobile medical app guidance and is a staunch advocate for patient safety when it comes to apps and medical gadgets.”
⌚️ While it’s not known what was discussed during the FDA meeting, an unnamed Apple employee familiar with the topic said that Apple’s Bob Mansfield, Senior Executive for technologies, reporting directly to Tim Cook, CEO, is “directly involved” spending all his "time" with the iWatch Project.
⌚️ Apple’s Mansfield has been “heavily involved” with “exploring devices, sensors and technologies within Apple that can monitor people’s health and connect to an iPhone.” Another Apple employee said that former Adobe executive Kevin Lynch who joined Apple last year, is currently working on software for the watch.
⌚️ The iWatch is a massive Apple undertaking that may generate sales in excess of 50 Million Units, at a price that may be in the $200 to $250 price range, delivering over $10 Billion in Sales, surely margined at 38% to 40% profitability. Total guesswork, however attainable.
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Perspective: These articles are created to inform a diverse audience, whether it be photography, digital cameras, lenses, Image editing, Apps, Smartphones, iPads, iPhones, Laptops and related products, Health & Wellness, or any news-worthy topic. The purpose is to inform, from sources that are believed to be reliable, and stimulate Dialogue.
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As many of my friends, family and students know, I am an avid iPad adopter since its release April, 2010. With Apple’s release of the Retina-Display iPad Mini, (I sold my iPad 4 to Gazelle.com) applied the proceeds to purchase the "mini" with 128GB of Storage, AT&T connectivity, plus added Logitech’s UltraThin Keyboard Cover, and an ACME MADE San Francisco rubberized thin slip-over protective case. This thin package actually fits into my trousers pocket.
Filed under: Apple iPad and iPhone Rumors, Apple Product Rumors, NEWS - Technology - Devices Tagged: iWatch
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