Friday, March 6, 2015

**** PharmacoGenetics Template ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

**** PharmacoGenetics Template ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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PharmacoGenetic Screening: Having been trained in Molecular Biology and BioChemistry, I have an avid interest in PharmacoGenetics DNA Screening.

Last year 2.2 million patients taking prescribed FDA Approved Drugs have experienced an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR); of those 770,000 experienced an ADR requiring Hospitalization, and 180,000 of those patients the ADR was fatal. Genomic DNA Testing done only once in your Lifetime, will give Physicians valuable information guiding against a patient being prescribed FDA Approved medications that do not suit your Genomic variants.

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If digital Imaging is of interest, I teach a course named "Principles of Digital Imaging and Post Image Processing" as an Adjunct Prof at FAU:

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As a "Health Nut" for Health & Wellness;

As many of my friends, family and students know, I am an avid iPad adopter since its release April, 2010. Subsequently with Apple’s release of the Retina-Display iPad Mini with 128GB of Storage, AT&T connectivity, plus added Logitech’s UltraThin Keyboard Cover, and an ACME MADE San Francisco rubberized thin slip-cover, I do most everything on the iPad mini and my iPhone 6+.

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