Sunday, November 17, 2013

NEST is THE Answer to SAVE Energy 🌐 Saving Energy Means You Save Money 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

NEST is a creative Home-Tech device that is your Answer to SAVE Energy. Saving Energy means, You help save the environment with a bonus too, You Saving Money. How much money may be saved depends on your life-style, your comfort-zone, and where you live. We live in south Florida where Air Conditioning is somewhat of a "necessity" for comfortable living. Being NYC born and raised, cool temps are something I’m used to. Marilyn being Miami, Florida raised, A/C is part of her living requirements. Lets speak about the System First, then we’ll talk about the Costs and Savings.

★ Take a Video Tour of How NEST Works:

★ Build and Design: The Nest is engineered and designed by two former Apple employees. Tony Fandell, Founder and CEO, formerly with Apple, led the team that created the first 18 generations of the iPod and the first three generations of the iPhone. Tony has authored more than 300 patents, graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelors in Computer Engineering. Matt Rogers, Founder and VP Engineering, was also formerly with Apple responsible for iPod software development at Apple, from concept to production. Matt earned his BS/MS degrees from Carnegie Mellon University. Presently there are several other former Apple and Logitech associates in the NEST Management team.

★ The background of the two principal founders speaks right away, that design and style are at the forefront of their products and operability. Unboxing the Nest literally felt like opening an iPhone for the first time.

★ The convex-curved large Watch-glass like display with a carefully machined Stainless Steel bezel and housing, delivers a superior premium look and feel. The current Temperature Display and Menus are all controlled by a sturdy turn-dial housing. Selecting items is as easy as clicking the screen. The overall build-quality and design are top notch on the Nest and will look stunning in any home or office.

★ Meet NEST Learning Thermostat video clip:

★ Installation & Setup: The folks at NEST have made the setup and installation as easy as possible; Nest has also included all the essentials in the box, including a miniature screw-driver. Much like getting a new iPhone for the first time, the Nest smart-thermostat is very easy to install, setup, and simple to use.

★ Go to Nest’s compatibility page to see if your heating and cooling systems are compatible with a NEST thermostat. You will have to remove your current thermostat to make sure your wires will match with the inputs on the Nest device. Nest claims they have about 95% of all home HVAC systems covered with the NEST’s new second-generation model.

★ We live in a Luxury Multi-Family Apartment building in down-town Boca Raton. This image is an inside-view of our 6-wire hook-up to the existing Thermostat, where I simply pulled the Thermostat-Cover straight back, as it snaps-off the removable plastic clips, slips-on by aligning the housing and push straight-towards the wall.

★ Here is a short video clip for the simple NEST installation.

★ The Number ONE Question is… Why do I need the Premium NEST Learning Thermostat, when there are dozens of "Programmable Thermostats" presently in the market-place. The Answer is amazing… most of these Programmables are to difficult to "Program." Therefore according to a recent Energy Department Study, over 90% of dwellings that have Programmable Thermostats, do not program them, they simply turn up the A/C (or Heat) and turn down the A/C (or Heat) manually like the rest of us.

★ The Magic with the NEST device is, the Device remembers the precise Time of Day and at what Temperature the user changes the Thermostat, therefore "Learning" your behavior, what Temperatures you prefer, when, which days, and when you are Home, when you are Away.

★ The number one support question NEST receives: “Will NEST work in my home?” NEST has received many requests for compatibility with two-stage cooling and dual-fuel systems and promised homeowners NEST would let the folks know when Nest would work for them. NEST’s Second Version includes compatibility for these special HVAC Systems.

NEST’s 2nd Generation Learning Thermostat is now compatible with 95% of low-voltage HVAC heating and cooling systems, including 2nd stage cooling, 3rd stage heating, dual-fuel systems, emergency heat, and whole-home humidifiers and dehumidifiers.

★ When we first discovered the Nest Thermostat, I was very interested on how it works, is it compatible with our Apartment’s HVAC System, and can we Save Money using this innovative home-tech device.

★ NEST’s Thermostat has become one of our favorite home-tech gadgets. For those unfamiliar with this trendy device, the Nest is a smart, WiFi enabled “Learning” thermostat. NEST devices come in both a 1st Generation model and a 2nd Generation versions; the newer version is 20% thinner with more importantly an increased support for more HVAC heating and cooling systems.

★ This Nest thermostat review covers the Second Generation model which can be picked up from NEST and Amazon for $250 including free shipping. Honestly, it feels like the best $250 I have ever spent on a home-tech device, other than Securities Cameras and Alarms. Are you thinking of purchasing a Nest? Well then, this Nest Thermostat review will help you decide if the Nest is right for you.

★ Considerable research was performed to obtain data as to the impact of using NEST. The spreadsheet segment below demonstrates some of the savings that clients have experienced using NEST. Extrapolating this data it seems that NEST will provide savings in the order of about 20% for Cooling and Heating expenses. For families where both adults work during the day-time, the savings are improved, as NEST can be programmed to use Less Cooling during the Daytime hours in the summer months, or Less Heating during the day-time hours in the Winter.

★ Generally speaking for North American Dwellings, Heating and Cooling energy consumption, represents about 50% of the Energy Consumption for typical households of 800SF and over; The remaining 50% of one’s Energy Consumption arrises from the creation and use of Hot Water for Bathing, Showers, Washing Machine Laundry Equipment, the Laundry Dryer, Cooking, Ovens, Hair Dryers, Microwave Ovens, indoor and exterior Lighting, Televisions, Computers, Coffee Makers, Ceiling Fans, Chargers. NEST is designed to Optimize the 50% component of your Electric Bill, the HVAC, Air Conditioning Cooling & Heating System usage.

★ Lets speak about the well designed Free NEST iPhone and iPad App that may Control your Air Condition System remotely using your existing Home based WiFi network; a home-based WiFi network is a pre-requisite for remotely controlling your NEST Learning Thermostat. Say you are coming home Earlier in the Day than you Normally arrive. Launch the NEST App, which will access your NEST Thermostat over the internet, where you can Turn the HVAC System to say 74°F so you will be comfortable as you arrive.

★ Say you are going out of town for 5 days and you forgot to set the HVAC, A/C system for being away, no need to Cool your Home in the Summer (or Heat your Home in the Winter) if you are out of town for the week.

★ No problem, simply start the NEST App on your iPhone or iPad, and set the A/C to 84°F (assuming its Summer season) while you are out of town. When you return home, arriving at the Air Port, launch the NEST App, and re-set the NEST Thermostat to 74°F, or whatever your comfortable Temperature is desired.

★ Lets Talk Money: Research has determined that on-average for North American Dwellings, one may expect a 20% reduction of the 50% of your Electric Energy Bill, by controlling one’s HVAC Systems when Not in the Home. Therefore, if your Electric Bill runs on average $250/month, this equates to $3000/year. The Cooling and Heating A/C System energy consumption portion of this annual energy expense equates to $1500/year. NEST should save you on average 20% of $1500 which equates to about $300/year.

★ Presently (Nov, 2013) NEXT is selling for $250 per device. Therefore for a typical 1200 to 2000 square foot Dwelling using a single, centrally mounted thermostat, your first Year’s energy savings should more than pay for NEST Learning Thermostat.

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