🍎 The iPhone 6 is scheduled to roll out in 2014 with a new sapphire crystal screen. The sapphire crystal was recently put to a test against a traditional contractors concrete block used on building commercial buildings. See which of the two, won this test when they faced-off against each other.
🍎 Finding this interesting test-clip on YouTube, it was originated by AeroGear’s Flight SX sapphire crystal "glass" test.
🍎 This LCD Cover test demonstrates the effectiveness of a sapphire crystal LCD covered iPhone Display, preventing any scratching.
🍎 The video-clip also shows what an iPhone 6 would be like with the scratch-proof, scuff-resistant screen frame.
🍎 A traditional rough unfinished concrete block is used as its placed on top of an iPhone5 fitted with a sapphire LCD and dragged across the iPhone. Check out this videoclip below.
🍎 Apple Adding Sapphire Crystal to its iPhone LDC Display ~ Apple Buys GT Advanced Technologies and Buys 1,000,000sf Tempe AZ Building to house Major Manufacturing of Sapphire Components.
🍎 Apple is "building" (lets call the project a major Renovation of an existing million square foot Solar Cell facility) a manufacturing plant in Arizona that will be used by GT Advanced Technologies to make sapphire crystals for use in its products. Apple currently uses sapphire in its home buttons and camera lens covers, but several details about the material itself and the nature of its deal with GT indicate that it could be expanding its interests in the hard crystalline substance over the next several years.
🍎 Sapphire, specifically synthetic, manufactured sapphire, has several properties that make it of interest to Apple. First of all, sapphire is superior to glass, even Corning’s Gorilla Glass material, in several ways, primarily it is VERY Hard, Diamond being the only know Crystal substance that is Harder.
🍎 Synthetic sapphire has no color, as it’s a single crystal grown to be optically transparent, making it "look" very similar to glass. But Sapphire Crystal "Glass" is also extremely hard, 9 on the Mohs scale — which means Superior to a Scratch Resistance rating.
🍎 A company that will make small pieces of high-tech glass for Apple products plans to employ about 700 people at the now-vacant First Solar Inc. factory in east Mesa.
🍎 This is the first significant Arizona presence for Apple Inc., which is buying the building for its supplier, GT Advanced Technologies Inc. Apple looked closely at the Phoenix area about two years ago before deciding to award a much larger facility to Austin.
🍎 The Building purchase, which was announced by GT in a regulatory filing is seen as a coup for Arizona, drawing excitement and praise from Gov. Jan Brewer, Mesa Mayor Scott Smith and a variety of economic-development officials. The project also will create 1,300 construction-related jobs to get the facility ready for production, Brewer said in a statement.
🍎 In My Humble Opinion, all of what is written above is evidence that Apple is very interested in Industrial Sapphire Crystal surfacing components, likely for more than covering the iPhone’s HOME button.
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Perspective: These articles are created to inform a diverse audience, whether it be photography, digital cameras, lenses, Image editing, Apps, Smartphones, iPads, iPhones, Laptops and related products, Health & Wellness, or any news-worthy topic. The purpose is to inform, from sources that are believed to be reliable, and stimulate Dialogue.
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If digital Imaging is of interest, I teach a course named "Principles of Digital Imaging and Post Image Processing" as an Adjunct Prof at FAU: http://ift.tt/19pAQ5y
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As many of my friends, family and students know, I am an avid iPad adopter since its release April, 2010. With Apple’s release of the Retina-Display iPad Mini, (I sold my iPad 4 to Gazelle.com) applied the proceeds to purchase the "mini" with 128GB of Storage, AT&T connectivity, plus added Logitech’s UltraThin Keyboard Cover, and an ACME MADE San Francisco rubberized thin slip-over protective case. This thin package actually fits into my trousers pocket.
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