Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Apple’s New Cupertino Campus Demonstrates Unheard of Attention to Design and Precision Consistent with the Products Apple Delivers 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎

🍎 Apple’s massive new campus recently got the go-ahead from the city of Cupertino, and now we’ve got an in-depth look at the spaceship-shaped headquarters thanks to a massive batch of new renderings. The building won’t be complete for several years, however, Apple is proud of this project and wants you to be excited too. Apple’s New Cupertino Campus demonstrates unheard of attention to design, thought, and precision consistent with the products Apple delivers to its customers

🍎 The Link shown here is an Apple produced video-clip showing the design team and renderings of the facilities and grounds. Notice the other video clips at the YouTube menu at screen-right.


🍎 Just as Apple creates its iPhones, for example, with an unheard of degree of detail and precision for each component externally and internally, Apple is applying this dedication to detail and thought for its new 2,800,000 square foot Headquarters facility. For reference 2.8 million sq.ft. is equivalent to about 64 acres.

🍎 Apple’s futuristic circular spaceship campus has been a point of heavy interest ever since it was first unveiled by late-CEO Steve Jobs. The campus will feature 2.8 million square feet of R&D labs, theaters, underground parking lots, lush landscapes, and the largest solar charging solutions for a commercial “office building” in the world. Development for the new campus broke-ground late in 2013, with the first-phase expected to be completed in 2016, therefore the final completion is targeted several years thereafter.

🍎 Until we see Apple’s Headquarters erected in Cupertino, a new Apple produced video has been released detailing how the design came to fruition. The campus is unorthodox, to say the least, but it perfectly encapsulates the ethos of Apple’s growing empire; the design features immense curved glass panes, an open and collaborative work environment, and beautiful scenery that captures the Cupertino landscape. The renderings and models already look amazing, so one can only imagine what the final product will look like.

🍎 The video has actually been released by Apple on YouTube, so there’s a possibly it may be taken down. If you’re curious about how the Apple spaceship was conceived, however, check out the roughly four minute clip while you can.

🍎 Apple puts incredible emphasis the campus’ impact with the environment, exhibiting Zero Net Increase in greenhouse gas emissions, where 20% of the site will be covered with the facility, therefore 80% of the site is being used as green space and landscape. Most traditional office facilities’ cover 60% of the site, 40% being green-space; Apple’s new facility doubles this green-space tradition.

🍎 Apple will likely reveal more information on its spaceship campus as construction gets underway. For now, it’s cool to see how everything comes together behind the scenes, and the kind of planning it takes to put such a project together.

🍎 The use of solar-energy to power-the entire facility, which is not cost effective from a “cost-to-construct” basis, Apple is using its Campus energy footprint to make a conservation “statement” to the world. Decades from now, solar-cell efficiency and cost-to-produce may change this equation.

🍎 Apple’s new Campus will undoubtedly be an Office facility that will be a showcase of Innovation that demonstrates Apple’s attention to detail and thought, unheard of in commercial development, matching Apple’s attention to detail and precision exhibited in each of their products offered to their consumer and corporate customers.

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Filed under: NEWS - Apple Corporation News, NEWS - Real Estate of Interest, NEWS of Public Interest Tagged: Apple Campus, Commercial Development, Cupertino, Headquarters, Innovation in Commercial Campus Development

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