🌐 DropBox, a 2GB free file storage and retrieval service (or a 1000GB paid service) that lets you access all your Word Docs, Page Docs, XL Files, Numbers Spreadsheets, PDF files, Photographs, resident on your iPads, iPhones, Mac Books, Androids, Windows PCs, MacBooks, Mac Desktops, and Laptops anywhere.
🌐 With DropBox, any file you save to your Dropbox may be automatically saved and Synchronized to all your computers, mobile devices, and your secure Dropbox FileCabinet (a secure Cloud account). With DropBox you can Sync all your files to all your devices if you desire, or some devices, or one device, or no Syncing.
🌐 Everyone IMHO really should go online and sign up for a DropBox free Cloud-based file cabinet account. Its utility between iPads, iPhones, MACs and PCs is extraordinary. Presently, 2GB of storage is free; upgrade to 1000GB for $99/year. The DropBox account provides access for storage and retreival for any number of iPhones, iPads, PC’s and MAC’s.
🌐 Dropbox also makes it very easy to share any of these files with others, whether you’re a student or professional, parent or grandparent. Even if you accidentally spill a latte on your laptop, have no fear! You can relax knowing that Dropbox always has you files safely stored, and none of your files will ever be lost.
🌐 Dropbox Cloud-based File Storage vs. Apple’s iCloud Back-Up utility in iOS7
⚠️ Apple’s iCloud Backup is very important part of iOS7, the operating system for iPads and iPhones. When performing automatic back-ups, every night automatically as we have our devices perform backups, Apple’s operating system auto-saves all your Files, Apps, Position of the Apps on the Home page, all iDevice settings, ring-tones, start screens, lock-screens, eMail accounts, Calendars, Contacts, Photos, Videos, etc
⚠️ Apple’s comprehensive global-backup is very effective for Copying all the iPhone’s Files and Settings into a New iPhone when upgrading, or into a replacement iPhone, if one’s iDevice was lost, stolen, or damaged beyone repair
⚠️ Apple’s backup however, does Not Permit the user to retrieve, save, view, or access a particular file or image. iCloud backup’s shortcoming is largely with its inability to accessing a particular file or image
⚠️ DropBox solves the Apple iCloud inability to save or retrieve files or images one-by-one. In the future Apple’s iCloud storage capability may permit individual file storage and retreival; however, as of this writing, August 28, 2014, Apple’s operating system iOS7.1.2 does not permit individual file functions.
🌐 Dropbox works hard to make sure that all your files are “the same and in Sync” no matter where you’re working from. This means that you can start working on a Report from computer at school or the office, and finish the Report from your home computer. Which means you’ll never again have to email yourself the unfinished Report. Download the Dropbox App for your phone to simplify your life even more — flip through all your photos or review that spreadsheet even while on the road. Dropbox lets you work from any computer, iPhone, iPad, mobile device, with the confidence that you’ll always have access to every file or image you may need.
🌐 Dropbox makes sharing so easy that you’ll be amazed at the things you can do. Invite your friends, family and teammates to any Folder in your Dropbox; This access is as if you “saved” that Folder straight to their computers or iPad. You can send to people “internet-links,” which gives them direct access to a specific File or Folders in your Dropbox. This makes Dropbox very effective for team projects, sharing party photos with friends, or recording your band’s new album.
🌐 Sending your Recipients “internet-links,” giving them direct, secure access to a specific File or Folders in your Dropbox, has another important advantage. If you desire to have access to a very large file, say over 80MB, this file is too large for an email attachment, as typical limits are 10MB to 25MB.
🌐 With DropBox, anyone you desire, can access this 80MB file with a special Link that you send to your Recipient, where they click onto the link, and the file downloads onto their Device into their resident PDF reader, for example, avoiding email file-size limits and slow-downloads, having to deal with email-server overhead delays.
🌐 Safety. Even if your computer has a meltdown, your stuff is always safe in Dropbox and can be restored in a snap. Dropbox is like a “time-machine” that lets you undo mistakes and even undelete files you accidentally trash. Your Dropbox is always ready for action from the Dropbox website too!
🌐 Whether you are an entrepreneur, a teacher, a photographer, a lawyer, an architect, business person, an astronomer, an artist, or a retiree, Dropbox Simplifies the Security and Sharing of your Files.
🌐 Millions of people around the world use Dropbox to help them design buildings, compose music, run businesses, write books, coordinate disaster relief, or simply to share amazing photos of family and friends.
🌐 As I so most of my work on my trusty iPad mini, DropBox has given us terrific utility in sharing files between our MacBooks, PC’s and other iPads and iPhones. We’ve configured DropBox to Sync everything on my iPad to my PC. Therefore any pictures, edited photos, Pages Docs, Numbers XL files, are automatically synced to these selected devices. Any device that is not in the Sync’ed group may down load any file in DropBox on a one-by-one basis, or by Folder for a group of files. DropBox increasing the Pro account to 1000GB has really solved my issue with hitting storage limits. One TetraByte is quite enough. Thank you DropBox for this upgrade. Here is the Letter recently received from DropBox.
🌐 App Name: Dropbox Simplifies the Security and Sharing of your Files ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐📍
🌐 App Store Priced: $ Free for 2GB of storage, $9.99/month for 1000GB
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🌐 Perspective: These articles are created to inform a diverse audience, whether it be photography, digital cameras, lenses, Image editing, Apps, Smartphones, iPads, iPhones, Laptops and related products, Health & Wellness, or any news-worthy topic. The purpose is to inform, from sources that are believed to be reliable, and stimulate Dialogue.
🌐 To learn more about what else we do, take a moment and visit these links, browse around. We are pleased with over 25,290,651 visits as of July 30, 2014: http://www.416-1100.com .
🌐 If digital Imaging is of interest, I teach a course named "Principles of Digital Imaging and Post Image Processing" as an Adjunct Prof at FAU: http://ift.tt/19pAQ5y
When I do what I do… I usually do it here.
As a "Health Nut" for Health & Wellness; http://ift.tt/1iIfMrA
As many of my friends, family and students know, I am an avid iPad adopter since its release April, 2010. With Apple’s release of the Retina-Display iPad Mini, (I sold my iPad 4 to Gazelle.com) applied the proceeds to purchase the "mini" with 128GB of Storage, AT&T connectivity, plus added Logitech’s UltraThin Keyboard Cover, and an ACME MADE San Francisco rubberized thin slip-over protective case. This thin package actually fits into my trousers pocket.
Filed under: Accessories for iPad, iPhone, Android Apps, Apple iPhone and iPad News, Applications for smart phones, Apps, Applications, iPads, iPhones, iPad Accessories, iPhone Accessories, NEWS - App Revews, NEWS - iPad & iPhone Accessories, NEWS - Science & Technology, NEWS - Technology - Devices, NEWS of Public Interest, Samsung Devices - Galaxy - Note Tagged: Cloud Storage, DropBox, File Storage & Retrieval
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