🍎 Sign PDF documents directly on your iPad with your Signature in Very High Quality, in Color Inks. Signature makes it simple to sign documents in a Very High Quality electronic format, in a variety of Colored Permanent Inks, without having to print, sign, scan, Fax. Use Signature’s built-in signature pad to sign your name and drop it directly onto your document. Once signed, share your document via eMail or copy it to one of the supported cloud storage services, such as Dropbox, Box.net, or iDisk.
🍎 Signature App operates with the iPad or iPhone. Therefore if you’re in the Office, Coffee Shoppe, Cafe, or on the Golf Course, with the “Signature” App documents may be signed with your signature, and send them back via your email, or you may Fax back if the receiver must have a Fax. Send by email for the very best results. The Fax Machine is definitely the transmission technology of 25 years ago.
🍎 You can Sign any Word or Pages Document actually. For example, your business partner sends you the “final draft” of an agreement; you have read it, approve it and are ready to sign it. Simply using your iPad, create a PDF file using the Pages App, or PDF Expert. Notice the steps below.
🍎 The Signature App delivers Your Signature with Color Ink. What differentiates this App from the “rest of the bunch” and there are hundreds of them available, is the Signature is a very high resolution rendition of your actual signing in the iPad’s screen. And, just before you sign the iPad on the dotted-line, you can select the color of the Ink; the Signature App gives you an entire pallet of Color Choices. (Most of the other signing apps take shourt-cuts, giving a jagged-edges, which makes the signature look “copied” or “non-authentic.”
🍎 Apple Pages Format or in Microsoft Word format. If you created or received a document in Apple Pages Format or in Microsoft Word format:
1⃣ Open the Document in its native format
2⃣ At the Top-Right of the Display look for the (in the Pages App)
3⃣ Click onto the Wrench, and select
4⃣ Select from the menu
5⃣ Select in the menu
6⃣ Select the App from the menu opened when was chosen.
7⃣ Select the App, the App Logo looks like an Old Fashioned ink pen.
🔠 The five-images below, are iPad Displays sequenced with the steps above.
🍎 Cannot get much easier than this… To "sign" a Document sent to you, or created by you.
• Open the PDF file on your iPad, or on your iPhone,
• Sign the iPad’s screen with your FINGER or an iPad compatible Stylus;
• Place your "Electronic Signature" on the Document, then
• Drag your Signature into the exact position,
• Compress or Expand your "Electronic Signature" for a perfect fit, and
• You are done.
• No Printing, so you Don’t need a printer – Don’t need any paper
• No Pens, No Pencils, Use your Finger or an iPad Stylus
• You are capable of signing almost any PDF document.
• You can Change the "color of the ink"
• You can Change the Color of the Ink to Black.
🍎 Use text, date, and checkmark annotation types to fill out forms electronically. For added security, password protect your signed document before eMailing or sharing. Additionally, add a password lock to the entire app to deter access to your Signature files by unauthorized persons.
🍎 Signature is the perfect companion to use with PDF Expert and JotNot Fax. Use Signature for signing and then open it in JotNot Fax for faxing, or with PDF Expert and email the signed PDF back to your Office or Client. Features:
• Sign PDF documents from your iPhone or iPad
• Add Text, Date, and Checkmark annotations
• Import & Share documents by: Email, Dropbox, Box.net, GDocs, WebDAV or iDisk
• Rename documents
• Sort manually or by date or name
• Password protect individual files
• Password lock the entire app
This is a Convenience Link to connect you directly to Apple’s App Store information and downloading:
App Name: Signature. Author: Mobitech 3000, LLC.
App Store Priced: $4.99. Application like this would cost $100 on a Windows machine.
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Filed under: Applications for smart phones, Apps, Applications, iPads, iPhones, NEWS - Technology - Devices, Smart Phones and APPs
via WordPress http://fau4u2.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/sign-pdf-documents-directly-on-your-ipad-with-your-signature-in-very-high-quality-in-color-inks-%f0%9f%8d%8e%f0%9f%8d%8e%f0%9f%8d%8e%f0%9f%8d%8e%f0%9f%8d-%8e%e2%9c%92%e2%9c%8f%e2%9c%92%e2%9c%8f/
Got really excited about the options of digitally signing documents on IPAD. Saw similars tools also for mobile, and it only reminded me to save the documents in fixed order, as much as possible on the same device. pdf digital signature