Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Apple Awarded a Unique “On Hold” Cell Call Feature ~ Much More than “Music On Hold” ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“ฑ

★ Apple Awarded a Unique "On Hold" Feature ~ Much More than "Music On Hold." Many of us dislike those repetitive loops of cheesy music that play when we’re put "on-hold" with customer service.

★ When friends put us "on hold" during personal phone calls, all we get is silence. Luckily, Apple may have a creative solution in the works.

★ Apple, Cupertino, California was awarded a United States Patent this week that would permit users to share "personal content," via a visual menu, displayed to the person they placed "on hold." This includes "music, videos, photos, books, periodicals, status updates, calendar information, hold time information, pre-recorded messages, and location information," according to the patent filed.

★ With this feature, assuming Apple incorporates this functioin in their next iteration of iOS7, users would reportedly have to activate "on-hold sharing," and customize what they’d desire to share, with whom that is placed "On Hold." When a caller is placed on hold, he or she will see a visual menu, and may choose to view whatever the user has decided in advance to share.

★ It’s unclear whether or when Apple plans to use this patent, since it was originally filed back in 2011, according to an Apple Insider. What’s more, this "on-hold" feature was not said to be part of the company’s upcoming iOS 7 release, likely not. Of course, as time passes, Apple may choose to add this feature to a future iteration of their iOS7 operating system.

★ Personally this is a very innovative feature. I would activate this as soon as its available, directing the On Hold callers to my site to keep folks "entertained’ with informative content while I’m ending the present call.

With a Patent Application, there is no guidance on how this feature may function with carriers such as CDMA services provided by Verizon and Sprint. CDMA transmission infrastructures do not allow (actually do not have the capability of) simultaneous data-voice usage during a cellular-voice call.

★ AT&T and T-Mobile in the USA, on the other hand, employ the GPS system, which is capable of delivering Internet Content and Cellular Voice-Calls simultaneously. Choosing between CDMA and GPS digital infrastructures, was a decision made by each Carrier a decade or more ago. BTW globally, almost of the Carriers chose GSM, only several USA Carriers chose CDMA many years ago.

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